District Services
Union Public Schools offers a number of services and programs to benefit students, parents and staff. Parents with the Rosa Parks Early Childhood Education are invited to learn more about Union Public Schools. Visit the district website for complete information.
You may find additional information about district services under Departments in the district section of the Union website. Contact Union For Help
See also
- Various Teaching and Learning departments under Academics and College/Careers
- Enrollment Center under Students
- Health Information under Students
- Human Resources under Careers
- Athletics under Activities
- Fine Arts under Activities
Child Find Policy
Union Public School District is committed to the goal of identifying, evaluating and locating every child with a disability who resides within the boundaries of the district, and who is not receiving special education services, including children who are homeless, wards of the state or attending private schools.
Some students may be eligible for services as early as age three (3). If you have knowledge of any individuals with a disability between the ages of three (3) through twenty-one (21) years of age, who may be in need of special education services, please refer their parent to Union Public Special Services at 918-357-6125.